Do you have a dog that unfortunately loves eating poop? You are not the only one, and there is good news because various home treatments can help you stop this nasty behavior.

While dogs eat poop for a variety of reasons, the end result is never good, but with time and patience and probably some tricks, you can nip this Smelly Habit in the bud while keeping your furry friend healthier physically and mentally. This topic discusses working at home solutions, why dogs eat poop and explore organic alternatives you can start using today.

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? Understanding the Behavior

There are many reasons why a dog might eat poop: boredom, stress or even to respond to a medical condition. This is the natural behavior of coprophagia which children mostly do, but not commonly seen in adulted dogs. Most dogs choose this way of eating out of pure curiosity, others are doing it because their body needs the nutrients and they do not know better.

Solving this issue may include determining why your pet is eating poop. For example, if it’s because of boredom then providing something that can stimulate the brain. If you suspect a dietary issue, try tweaking your dog’s diet and see if that solves the problem. Know its root cause to utilize a proper home remedy.

Home Remedies to Stop Your Dog from Eating Poop

Dog owners still have plenty of home remedies that claim to stop poop-eating. This is a great way to start. You may choose natural dietary supplements to include in your dog’s food. Some ingredients, such as pumpkin and pineapple (which only contains 1% of it) can give the feces an unpleasant taste that deters pets from ingesting this waste product.

Make sure in complementing dietary changes, your dog has a lot of mental stimulation throughout the day. Many dogs become bored, anxious or frustrated and eat poop as a way to entertain themselves. Providing them with lots of toys, exercise and mental challenges can help to decrease the temptation.

What to Put in Dog Food to Stop Eating Poop

Adding specific ingredients to your dog’s food can help stop them from eating poop. Some common additives include:

  • Pumpkin: A natural source of fiber, pumpkin aids digestion and helps your dog feel fuller, which reduces their urge to eat poop.
  • Digestive Enzymes: These enzymes help break down food more efficiently, making it less likely that your dog will eat poop to compensate for missing nutrients.

Tricks to Stop Dogs from Eating Poop at Home

Stopping your dog from eating poop at home often requires a mix of behavioral training and vigilance. First, clean up after your dog immediately. By removing the temptation, you reduce the likelihood of the behavior continuing. Second, supervise your dog when they go outside for bathroom breaks.

Redirecting their attention with toys or treats can also be a helpful trick. If you see your dog approaching feces, use a command like “leave it” and reward them when they listen. Consistent training and supervision are essential in breaking this habit.

How to Stop Dog from Eating Poop: Home Remedies with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy known for its digestive benefits. By adding a small amount (around one teaspoon) to your dog’s food, you can help balance their stomach acid levels, which may reduce the urge to eat poop.

This remedy works by improving digestion, making it less likely for your dog to seek out poop as a source of nutrients. While this method doesn’t guarantee immediate success, many dog owners have seen improvements in their dog’s behavior after a few weeks of using apple cider vinegar.

Can Bananas Stop Dogs from Eating Poop?

Bananas are rich in potassium and fiber, making them a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. Although bananas won’t stop the behavior entirely, their high fiber content can improve digestion and reduce the desire to eat poop.

Bananas can also help with overall gut health, which may indirectly reduce coprophagia. Introduce bananas slowly, as too much can upset your dog’s stomach. A small amount of mashed banana added to their meal a few times a week can support digestive health.

Best Supplements to Stop Dog from Eating Poop

There are several supplements that can help curb poop-eating in dogs. Here are some of the most effective:

Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that improve gut health. A healthy digestive system can reduce the temptation to eat poop, as your dog absorbs more nutrients from their food.

Digestive Enzymes: These enzymes help your dog break down and absorb food more efficiently, making poop less appealing. They also reduce the chance of nutritional deficiencies that may lead to poop-eating.

Does Vinegar Stop Dogs from Eating Poop?

Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, has been suggested as a way to stop dogs from eating poop. The strong smell and sour taste of vinegar may discourage your dog from eating feces. You can either spray diluted vinegar on feces in the yard or add a small amount to your dog’s water or food.

While vinegar isn’t guaranteed to work for all dogs, it has been effective for many pet owners. Just remember to use vinegar sparingly, as too much can upset your dog’s stomach.

How to Stop a Puppy from Eating Poop Overnight?

You can add some safe, natural ingredients to their food that make the poop taste terrible. Pineapple works well since the enzymes can break down some material that will make poop taste bad to dogs. Because its rich in fiber, which can help with digestion and poo deterrence, pumpkin is a great choice.

The addition of these natural ingredients is an easy and efficient method to discourage your dog from wanting to eating poop. With proper quantities, both options are safe and healthy for most dogs.

Does Lemon Juice Stop Dogs from Eating Poop?

Lemon juice Lemon juice may also be useful. The bitter flavor discourages dogs from eating poop. It is possible to mix a few drops of lemon juice with water or into your dog´s food.

Do not mill too much on it as too an acidic a diet can hurt their tummy. This cannot work on all dogs but if your dog is particularly stubborn-eating poop more than necessary, it might be worth a try

How to Stop a Puppy from Eating Poop Overnight?

Baby dogs are orally fixated and will eat almost anything that fits in their mouths. If you want to stop this behavior fast, make sure that clean your place as soon after they go the rest room. Eliminate the trigger to avoid triggering this habit in due course.

By using positive reinforcement your puppy can learn to actively avoid feces. Praise and treats when they leave the poop alone, otherwise give them plenty of toys to play with or other mental stimulation.

The Role of Diet in Preventing Poop-Eating

A well-balanced diet plays a major role in preventing poop-eating behavior. If your dog’s diet lacks essential nutrients, they may seek out poop to make up for what they’re missing.

Ensuring that your dog’s food is nutritionally complete and high-quality can reduce the likelihood of this behavior. Feeding your dog, a diet rich in fiber can aid digestion and make feces less tempting to eat.

How Do I Stop My Dog from Pooping in the House and Eating It? 

To stop your dog from pooping in the house and eating it, consistent potty training is essential. Take your dog outside at regular intervals, especially after meals and naps. Positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise when they poop outside, can help them learn where it’s appropriate to go.

If your dog has an accident indoors, clean it up immediately. Dogs often eat poop because it’s easily accessible, so eliminating the mess right away is crucial.

Behavioral Tricks to Train Dogs Away from Eating Poop

  • Use commands like “leave it”: Teach your dog to respond to commands that redirect their attention away from poop. This command can be reinforced with treats or praise when they obey.
  • Provide interactive toys: Boredom is a common cause of poop-eating, so make sure your dog has plenty of toys and activities to stay mentally engaged.

Training your dog to avoid poop is a long-term process, but with consistent practice, they will learn to leave feces alone.

Common Causes of Poop-Eating in Puppies

Puppies may eat poop out of curiosity, hunger, or boredom. As they explore their environment, they might taste everything, including feces. This behavior usually diminishes as they grow older, but it’s important to discourage it early on.

Providing your puppy with plenty of toys, exercise, and mental stimulation can help reduce their desire to eat poop. A nutrient-rich diet also ensures that they’re not eating poop due to hunger or dietary deficiencies.

Signs Your Dog May Need More Digestive Support

If your dog frequently eats poop, it could be a sign that they need digestive support. Common indicators include loose stools, frequent gas, and excessive hunger. If your dog shows these symptoms, consider adding digestive enzymes or probiotics to their diet.

These supplements help improve digestion and ensure that your dog is absorbing all the nutrients they need from their food, reducing the need to seek out other sources.

Natural Food Additives to Prevent Poop-Eating

Several natural food additives can help deter poop-eating:

Pineapple: The enzymes in pineapple make poop taste unpleasant to dogs.

Pumpkin: Helps improve digestion and adds fiber to your dog’s diet.


What home remedy can I use to stop my dog from eating poop?

Add pumpkin, pineapple or digestive enzymes to your dog’s food to make poop less appealing.

Does apple cider vinegar stop dogs from eating poop?

Yes, adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar to your dog’s food can help balance stomach acid and reduce poop-eating.

Can bananas prevent dogs from eating poop?

Bananas support digestion, but they won’t completely stop poop-eating behavior on their own.

What’s the fastest way to stop a dog from eating poop?

Immediate clean-up and adding digestive aids like probiotics or enzymes can quickly reduce the behavior.

Does vinegar or lemon juice stop dogs from eating poop?

Vinegar and lemon juice can make poop taste unpleasant to dogs, helping to curb the habit.


Preventing a dog from feasting on poop needs home remedies with diet adjustments plus ongoing behavioral training. You can make your poopsicle a little less appealing to him by mixing leftover pumpkin or pineapple, even digestive enzymes with his food.

Do changes in diet, remember that clean conditions surrounding the dog keep it and will encourage positive behavior via reinforcement. You need to change some things about your dog’s life so that they no longer want to eat poop.

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