Bed bugs are the literal stuff of homeowners’ nightmares. These small but sturdy little pests can create a considerable amount of itchiness and insomnia.

Well, how about attacking them with some simple kitchen remedies? To solve this problem, we are going to unveil 15 home remedies that works for bed bug guaranteed instant killer & how you can keep these small pests far away from your precious pad forever.

What is the Best Home Remedy to Kill Bed Bugs?

Diatomaceous Earth is the most powerful home remedy to kill bed bugs. This powder works by drying out the bed bugs causing them to be dehydrate, there is no way a bug mom or dad can produce anything because they do not have any moisture left in their body.

A fast solution is also alcohol-based hand sanitizers might not work for bed bugs, but rubbing alcohol kills on get in touch with. You can also spray it directly on bed bugs- but this one is risky as alcohol tends to be fire prone.

What Can 100% Kill Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs die immediately at high temperatures. Heat treatment is effective 100% as bed bugs are unable to withstand temperatures above 120°F (49°C).

The best way to kill them is with a steam cleaner on your mattress, furniture and carpets. For a long-term impact result couple, the heat-based therapy with diatomaceous earth to always protect your home.

What is the Best Homemade Bed Bug Killer?

There is a remedy called vinegar which kills the contact bug easily. Add one-part vinegar to two parts of water and spray this around on the affected areas. It acts as a nerve depressor and quickly kill the bed bugs.

If you want a bit more muscle behind your homemade solution, add water to baking soda and create a paste. Use this paste on cracks, crevices and infested areas to dry out the bed bugs over time.

How Do I Kill Bed Bugs Permanently?

Killing bed bugs permanently requires combining instant solutions with preventative measures. Start by washing bedding and clothes in hot water and drying them on high heat. This kills both bed bugs and their eggs.

To prevent future infestations, regularly apply diatomaceous earth around your home and invest in mattress encasements to block bed bugs from hiding in your bed.

15 Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Here are 15 powerful home remedies that can help you eliminate bed bugs quickly:

1.     Diatomaceous Earth

A natural powder that kills bed bugs by dehydrating their exoskeleton. Sprinkle it around infested areas for continuous protection.

2.     Vinegar Spray

Vinegar disrupts the bed bug’s nervous system, killing them instantly when sprayed directly on the bugs or their hiding spots.

3.     Baking Soda Paste

When applied to bed bug-prone areas, this paste dehydrates bed bugs, killing them over time.

4.     Essential Oils (Tea Tree, Lavender, Peppermint)

These oils repel bed bugs due to their strong scents and chemical properties. They can be diluted and sprayed around infested areas.

5.     Rubbing Alcohol

This kills bed bugs by drying them out upon contact. It’s a quick solution but should be used cautiously since it’s flammable.

6.     Steam Cleaning

Bed bugs cannot survive high heat. Using a steam cleaner on mattresses and furniture will kill them instantly.

7.     Vacuuming Infested Areas

Regular vacuuming removes bed bugs and their eggs from carpets, furniture, and cracks in your home.

8.     Double-Sided Tape Around the Bed Legs

Bed bugs get stuck on the tape as they attempt to climb into the bed, helping prevent them from reaching you.

9.     Hot Water Laundry

Washing and drying bedding and clothes at high temperatures kills both bed bugs and their eggs.

10.                       Lavender Oil as a Natural Repellent

The strong scent of lavender oil repels bed bugs, making it a useful natural deterrent.

11.                       Silica Gel Packets

These packets absorb moisture, which can dehydrate and kill bed bugs when placed in infested areas.

12.                       Isopropyl Alcohol Spray

Spraying this on bed bugs kills them by dehydrating their bodies. It works best on contact.

13.                       Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

This chemical can kill bed bugs but should be used carefully as it may damage surfaces.

14.                       Bleach Mixed with Water

A strong cleaning solution that kills bed bugs by breaking down their exoskeleton, but it can damage fabrics and surfaces.

15.                       Cedar Oil Spray for Mattresses

Cedar oil repels bed bugs with its natural scent and can be safely sprayed on mattresses and bedding to keep bed bugs away.

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly and Permanently?

To kill bed bugs instantly and ensure they don’t return, use a combination of heat treatment and diatomaceous earth. Heat treatment kills bed bugs on the spot, while diatomaceous earth continues to work by drying out any remaining pests and preventing infestation.

You can also add essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil to your cleaning routine for extra protection.

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly Home Remedies Vinegar?

Vinegar is a strong, natural solution that disrupts a bed bug’s nervous system, killing it instantly. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it directly to areas where bed bugs are hiding. This method is not only effective but also safe to use around children and pets.

What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly Home Remedies Baking Soda?

Baking soda is a great home remedy to kill bed bugs over time. It works by absorbing moisture from the bed bugs’ bodies, causing them to dehydrate and die.

To use, sprinkle baking soda around your mattress, baseboards, and other areas where bed bugs are present. Vacuum the powder after a few days and reapply if necessary.

What Chemical Kills Bed Bugs Permanently?

If you’re looking for chemical options, pyrethrin’s and pyrethroids are commonly used pesticides that kill bed bugs permanently.

They attack the bed bugs’ nervous systems and are available in sprays, but should be used with caution due to potential toxicity. Natural alternatives like diatomaceous earth and essential oils are safer for long-term use in your home.

What Smell Kills Bed Bugs Instantly?

Bed bugs are repelled by strong scents like lavender, tea tree oil and peppermint oil. These essential oils can kill or repel bed bugs due to their strong smell and chemical properties.

To use, dilute essential oils with water and spray around your mattress, baseboards, and any cracks where bed bugs may hide.

Heat Treatment: The Fastest Way to Kill Bed Bugs

Heat treatment is one of the fastest and most effective ways to kill bed bugs instantly. Exposing bed bugs to temperatures of over 120°F (49°C) using a steam cleaner will kill them on the spot.

Focus on steaming mattresses, carpets and other areas where bed bugs hide to ensure they are completely eradicated.

How to Use Essential Oils to Kill Bed Bugs?

Essential oils like lavender, tea tree, and peppermint oil are natural remedies for bed bugs. They work by suffocating or repelling bed bugs due to their potent scent.

Make a spray by adding 10-15 drops of essential oil to water and apply to your bedding, furniture, and baseboards to keep bed bugs away.

Does Rubbing Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes, rubbing alcohol kills bed bugs instantly by drying out their bodies and suffocating them. You can spray isopropyl alcohol directly on bed bugs or their hiding spots for immediate results.

However, be cautious when using rubbing alcohol, as it is flammable and should not be used near open flames or heat sources.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Coming Back?

After bed bugs have been killed, reduce the chances of them coming back by maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. make it a habit to be vacuum your carpets, wash bedding in hot water and use sealed mattress encasements.

Use diatomaceous earth at entry points and cracks to prevent further infestations. Daily cleaning and sealing up any holes or cracks throughout your home will also decrease the probability of an infestation.


What is the best home remedy to kill bed bugs?

Diatomaceous earth is highly effective.

Can baking soda kill bed bugs?

Yes, it dehydrates them.

Does vinegar kill bed bugs instantly?

Yes, it can disrupt their nervous system.

What smell do bed bugs hate?

Lavender and tea tree oil.

Can I kill bed bugs permanently at home?

With a mix of instant remedies and prevention, yes.


Eliminating bed bugs may seem challenging, but using the right home remedies can make it much easier. From vinegar and baking soda to diatomaceous earth and essential oils, these proven remedies will help you kill bed bugs instantly.

Combining these treatments with heat and long-term preventative measures ensures that bed bugs won’t return. Follow these methods, and your home will be bed bug-free in no time!

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